summer on cape hedge

I love Cape Hedge Beach for its small size, its layers of sand and popples (smooth rocks), granite “bookends”, houses, view of Milk Island, and a peak of the Twin Lights on Thacher Island. It’s especially nice to have it at the end of the street.

Hedge and Thacher, 20 x 30, oil on linen

Hedge and Thacher, 20 x 30, oil on linen

On some days the lifeguard will show up, but often the chair is empty and the warning sign is out.

Some of my pieces focus on the figures, others more so on the landscape; in both cases though it's about the simplification of shapes and their colors and the interpretation of light and feeling.

As I paint I do think about those that have inspired me, like Hopper, Avery, Diebenkorn, and Kent, for example.  Note each of these artists are very much about shape and color as well as the figure.

Rescue, 12 x 16, oil on linen

Rescue, 12 x 16, oil on linen